Nottingham Arimathea Trust

John Folman Business Centre
33 Hungerhill Road
0115 9249920
Nottingham Arimathea Trust provides accommodation & support to destitute, vulnerable refugees and refused asylum seekers.

The Nottingham Arimathea Trust’s vision is that no asylum seeker or refugee should experience destitution.
Our mission is to ensure that all asylum seekers with no recourse to public funds, and newly-recognised refugees in Nottinghamshire have access to decent and appropriate accommodation and support in order to lift them out of destitution and adequately prepare them for move-on.
Nottingham Arimathea Trust (NAT) provides housing for destitute asylum seekers who had been fully refused their asylum application to ensure that people had a roof over their head and a safe space, in addition to advice & advocacy, to gather further evidence of their claim for asylum with the assistance of our Fresh Claims Project. Once this evidence is submitted, support is given to re-enter asylum support accommodation. We also provide supported accommodation for vulnerable newly-recognised refugees to help transition them into mainstream support.
Refused asylum seekers are some of the most vulnerable people in the UK. The asylum system is flawed, and the people it penalises are the most vulnerable, young people, victims of modern slavery, victims of torture, people with learning disabilities etc.

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