Islington Keywords: Advanced Search Sort By:Default Name Post Code British Red Cross London Young Refugee Service Name British Red Cross London Young Refugee Service Islington Centre For Refugees and Migrants Name Islington Centre For Refugees and Migrants Address 16-18 Cross Street London N1 2BG Islington Chinese Association Name Islington Chinese Association Address 21 Hatchard Road, London, N19 4NG Islington Somali Community Name Islington Somali Community Address room 3 and 4, 225-229 Seven Sisters road, London, N4 2DA Nafsiyat Name Nafsiyat Address Nafsiyat Intercultural Therapy Centre, Unit 4, Lysander Mews Lysander Grove London N19 3QP No recourse to Public Funds Destitution Network Name No recourse to Public Funds Destitution Network Unity Project Name Unity Project Address New Unity, 277a Upper Street N1 2TZ