We are a community of refugees, mechanics and volunteers. We receive donations of second- hand bikes, fix them together at our workshop, and then donate them to asylum seeking refugees. A small proportion of the bikes that we receive are sold through The Bike Shop to generate funds, the proceeds of which support The Bike Project, which ensures our long term sustainability.
By attending our workshop and helping to fix their own bike, all beneficiaries get actively involved in the process as much as possible. This enables them to learn basic bike maintenance and form long-term supportive relationships.
All volunteers are welcome at our Thursday workshop sessions.
We also run a separate project where we teach refugee women to cycle. We teach cycling proficiency, in an all-female environment, to complete beginners. The lessons run once a week, for ten weeks, and all participants are given a bike at the end. To refer, please get in touch.
We are a young project that welcomes anyone keen to volunteer, gain new skills and meet new people.